On Shopping, Fashion, and Old People

Few tasks in life have the power to annoy me like shopping for clothes. The chore is so unpleasant. I really do not grasp how some people, mostly women I think, can spend a considerable portion of their life thinking about it, doing it, and the worst thing of all, after doing it talking about …


As a boy, Big Mouth loved dressing up in his sisters' clothes. Big Mouth's childhood and adolescence resembled a Charles Aznavour song. He lived in a very old house with a crumbling façade and dirty windows. There were no trees in his street, just street lamps that blinked in and out all night and made …

Getting in shape (yeah, I’m a circle, what are you?)

Once, as a child, I found an old book hidden behind the shelf in the living room. It was a weirdly-shaped soft-cover book called “Beginners Kung Fu,” and someone in the family had clearly been embarrassed about having purchased, or received it as a gift, at some strange point in his/her life. Inside was a “brief” …

A simple guide for knowing when to die

I’m concerned about the human race. I’m concerned about the race as a whole and, more importantly, I’m concerned about certain individual specimens of our race. My concern rest mainly in the following area. It appears to me that some very old creatures formerly known as humans no longer possess that natural ability of all …

Travel vs Tourism: a sad story of how little we know

Umberto Eco once said “I know the present only through the television screen.” It seems to me the same can be said about most of us today. Our lives are ruled by two things and two things only. The first is television. Television has been our constant companion (to some their only companion, sadly) and …

Standing in queues: or how I learned to stop worrying and love wasting my time

If you think moving to Europe means leaving all your worries behind and living out every scene from “Under the Tuscan Sun,” I have news for you: you are sadly mistaken, my friend. If you’re sitting in your cubicle right now, pretending to be working on that very important project no one really cares about, …